Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Small FAQ

Recently I've had a few questions that keep getting repeated. So to help with this, I'm going to make a short/small FAQ here and hope to clear up some of the misunderstandings.

  • 1. Q: Why is my group invite sign not working?
  • A: The group invite sign is not to invite you to the VENDORS group, it is for you to put out and allow HUNTERS to get an invite to the HUNTERS/GENERAL group. You must be a member of that group, then wear the tag while rezzing the sign. That is the way the script works. It will invite people to the group that the sign is set to.
  • 2. Q: How can I tell if I'm "small" enough of a business or not too "big"?
  • A: Drop me a note card with your information on it and I'll check it out.
  • 3. Q: What do I need to make?
  • A: Something that shows what your business is all about. Preferably non holiday, though can be for the "spring" season. The reason it is highly suggested you don't make something that is only for Easter is that some people may not get to opening their eggs until AFTER the hunt is all over. And if they find something that can only be used during Easter, it will be too late and the item may not be saved, it may be deleted, thus your business would be soon forgotten. You want them to be able to use your item for at least a short amount of time, thus showing people what you have to offer.
  • 4. Q: Does it have to be unisex?
  • A: No, it does not HAVE to be unisex, but like I mentioned in the application, you should think about men. Recently a gentleman made a comment about this exact thing. Men like to do hunts too and it can be annoying to get a bunch of dresses. If you do not make something for men, try to make something that you could see a man or woman wearing. Any "male" option will make the men happy and even if your store normally doesn't sell these types of things, they will be more likely to bring their female friends to a place that at least tried to include them in the hunt. You do not have to put them in the same egg. This is the only time two eggs will be allowed. One for men and one for women.
  • 5. Q: What if my shop is seasonal? What should I make then?
  • A: If your shop is a seasonal shop, make something for the NEXT holiday. This way if they are completing the hunt on the last day, or opening the items after the end of the hunt, they can still use your item in the coming weeks/months. Example: You have a holiday shop and would normally give away an Easter banner. Instead make something for Arbor Day which is at the end of April, or May Day (1st of May), or Cinco De Mayo (5th of May). You can find a list of holidays here: April or May

  • 6. Q: I put in an application but haven't heard anything back yet.
  • A: I am trying to at least notify everyone as soon as I get each application that I received it. If you have not gotten this notice within two days, send the note card again, with the date you first gave it to me at the top of the card. I am trying to get to everyone as quickly as possible, but you know how Second Life can be, it can easily eat a card before I even get it.
  • 7. Q: I know someone that has a nice small business, is there still room?
  • A: Yes, if the list on the left side of the screen does not say that we have reached our limit, there is still room. Have them send a note card with all the information in the application to me, Tiea Aeon.
  • 8. Q: I am in The Bunny Hop hunt, can I be in this one too?
  • A: I've spoken with Cutey, who is running the Bunny Hop, and we both agree it is okay to be in both. Though The Bunny Hop has a panel of people that you must pass, and they are being very selective, and there is only one that you have to pass to get into this hunt. So it isn't going to be often that it happens, but it can happen. Just make sure that whatever you make, it must be different for each hunt. If you can not commit to making something different for each hunt, then you need to just pick one hunt to participate in.

If there is something that I haven't answered here, please send me an IM and note card with your question. I have all my messages sent to my e-mail address, so even if they are capped, I should get it. I hope this clears up some of the mis-understandings. Should more common questions start to arrise, I will update this, so check back to this posting as needed.

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