Friday, March 6, 2009

The Caproni Style - Store Bio

Well, my name is Carol121 Caproni and my shop is called evidently "The Caproni Style" lololol.

It's not very original but I had only a few hours to come up with something. I had already been trying to make clothes and happened on the first shop which seemed ideal last August, so I had to do it all in a hurry lolololol. I have stayed with the owners through a move to a new sim and now a changeover of owner.

By the way the shops are real good value here at Wild Hollow Mall, 50 prims for 100$ a week. This has just been changed these last few days so there are plenty of shops for grabs. - and carts are at 50$ a week for 25 prims.

I create mostly woman's clothes but wish to do some men's clothes too as I learn more. I love the creation part and I also wanted to learn Photoshop so it's an ideal combination. It's a long process to learn to make good quality clothes but I will get there. I still have loads to learn yet though. I couldn't put a name to my style of clothes but some have called them sassy, sexy. I would say Caproni Style hehehehehehhehehehe. I would like to develop my own particular style.

I don’t have a group or a subscribe-o-matic yet, but will do so in the future when I feel the time is right. For now I have just lately created a blog for keeping up to date,

I have also just started selling some of my clothes on xstreet

Best wishes to all and happy hunting

1 comment:

  1. Carol121 Caproni here,
    I have now put a subscribe-o-matic in my shops for updates and pressy's. I have a Lucky Board up in the shop too. There will soon be a Lucky Dip, and those are fun hehehheh.
    Hugs to all..
