Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yellow Jester - Shop Bio - Top 10 Q&A

1. Q. : What is your name & your shop's name?

     A. : Mefo Elcar, Yellow Jester

2. Q. : How long has the shop been open?

     A. : About 7 months

3. Q. : What kind of things do you sell in your shop?

     A. : Clothing, Furniture, Attachments and Curios

4. Q. : Do you make everything you sell or do you have a partner you create with?

     A. : I make it all myself

5. Q. : If you could be known for just one thing, what would that one thing be?

     A. : High quality avatar attachments that you didn't know you needed

6. Q. : Why did you start/open your business/shop?

     A. : I used to earn my living in SL as a DJ, and would earn a respectable amount playing at various clubs, but because of RL moves my connection wasn't always so constant and I got fed up of my stream buffering constantly. So I started looking around for another way to earn some pocket money and a friend of mine, Elle74 Zaftig of Bellissima started encouraging me to build. I had also had trouble finding items I wanted for an affordable price as good male items are still rare in SL so I started off with making items for myself. My first store was in the mall of the last club I had a DJ job at, 'Misfits'.

7. Q. : If you had to put a label on your brand, what would it be?

     A. : Dark Victorian with a steam/fetish punk twist

8. Q. : In the future, what can we expect to see coming into your store?

     A. : In the short term expect more attachments, I am expanding my range of antique jewelry (Yes, I make items for the Ladies too now) as for the long term expect More stylish kink, gore and more bizarre items, like my 'Transformations' range of prosthetic limbs. Also as my gift for this hunt you will receive the first new YJ cybernetic item of 2009, the first of several I have planned. I'll also be expanding my range of hats hehe

9. Q. : What age group do you gear your items to?

     A. : Adults

And lastly....

10. Q. : Do you have an Updates Group? If so, what is the title, or is it a subscription service?

     A. : Yes, its called ::Yellow JesteR:: and have a subscribe-o-matic as well.

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