Top 10 Questions & Answers::
1. Q. : What is your name & your shop's name?
A. : I'm Vere Noyes, my store is White Raven Books.
2. Q. : How long has the shop been open?
A. : A year.
3. Q. : What kind of things do you sell in your shop?
A. : Books (with full text inside), pictures, decorative manuscripts. From time to time (roughly every two months or so) I am compiling an anthology of short pieces - classical stories, essays, poems - which is given out as a freebie. The previous volumes are available at the store for the nominal price.
4. Q. : Do you make everything you sell or do you have a partner you create with?
A. : I used to have a partner, who was co-creator of most stuff, but he left SL. Since then I have been working alone, however I am now considering a new one.
5. Q. : If you could be known for just one thing, what would that one thing be? ((Example: I make plants and flowers and botanical things, but if I only were known for one thing, I'd like to be known for making great low prim trees.))
A. : The maker and seller of books.
6. Q. : Why did you start/open your business/shop?
A. : For fun, really. We both work with books in RL and were playing with the idea of making "real" books in SL, and then decided just to go forth with it. Oh, and in case you were wondering about copyrights, all he texts used are public domain.
7. Q. : If you had to put a label on your brand, what would it be? ((Example: Botanical, Neko, Unisex Gothic Clothes, New Age Furniture, Surreal Items, Scripts.... )
A. : Classic books.
8. Q. : In the future, what can we expect to see coming into your store? ((Example: I'm going to be making a bigger varriety of sculpted low prim trees with real photos of trees.))
A. : More of the same, though I am considering playing with sculpted books. But the main idea remains the same - books you can both read and put in your house as decorative objects.
9. Q. : What age group do you gear your items to? ((Examples: All ages, child avatars, X Adult, Adult...))
A. : Adults, mostly, since this is adult literature (and yes, this does mean a coupe of erotic ones).
And lastly....
10. Q. : Do you have an Updates Group? If so, what is the title, or is it a subscription service?
A. : Not at present.
The Man
5 hours ago
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