Top 10 Questions & Answers::
1. Q. : What is your name & your shop's name?
A. : Jessica Gabardini
Dance Creations
2. Q. : How long has the shop been open?
A. : Only a couple months at The Lovely Shops with Sugar Mills where the hunt will take place. Overall my store has been open less than a year.
3. Q. : What kind of things do you sell in your shop?
A. : I sell women's clothing. As I learn I plan to make men's clothing too but I still have a lot to learn. LOL I'm having fun making little emitters with holiday wear and may make more for freebies and gifts. I would like to make little poofers too but for now I'll stick with emitters. LOL
4. Q. : Do you make everything you sell or do you have a partner you create with?
A. : I make everything I sell.
5. Q. : If you could be known for just one thing, what would that one thing be? ((Example: I make plants and flowers and botanical things, but if I only were known for one thing, I'd like to be known for making great low prim trees.))
A. : I would like to be known for making fantastic prim skirts that move gracefully and beautifully while dancing in SL.
6. Q. : Why did you start/open your business/shop?
A. : I love to dance in SL but I hated how the skirt panels of my dresses would come apart like Roman Soldier pleats. I then became interested in making my own outfits. A lot of the dresses were outfits I may not wear because of modesty issues and some I would. I wanted a classy look that might be considered both fun and sexy without trashy and I hope that will be how my work is perceived.
7. Q. : If you had to put a label on your brand, what would it be? ((Example: Botanical, Neko, Unisex Gothic Clothes, New Age Furniture, Surreal Items, Scripts.... )
A. : Classy and Fun Clothes LOL
8. Q. : In the future, what can we expect to see coming into your store? ((Example: I'm going to be making a bigger varriety of sculpted low prim trees with real photos of trees.))
A. : I'm making more pan outfits as I try out shadows. I am hoping to begin making men's clothing. I would really love to make partner outfits, matching dance outfits. The gentleman may sport a tux with a vest that match in color and material perhaps. Still thinking on that but I would love to be that good that I feel confident to go for it. LOL
9. Q. : What age group do you gear your items to? ((Examples: All ages, child avatars, X Adult, Adult...))
A. : All ages.
And lastly....
10. Q. : Do you have an Updates Group? If so, what is the title, or is it a subscription service?
A. : I have a subscribe-o-matic. I love it too because I can send freebies for "group" only members that way too as well as announcements and other freebies, like the fun emitters and poofers I'm learning are a breeze to make. LOL I wanted to offer "rezz-day" gifts to my subscribe-o-matic members and had a database typed put even while the number was still low but recently my desktop decided to take an unplanned vacation without prior notice. Which is why I hadn't answered any of the notices as of late. LOL It's hard for me to be online with the laptop.
Thank you so much for this opportunity. I'm so excited about it,
Jess Gabardini
The Man
5 hours ago
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